Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Fun!

It's been a few days since I've actually posted "words" so I thought I'd best catch up with the going's on of our family. We got a roof done in record time thanks to Matt, Dave, and Bob. It's amazing what a good leader (Matt), an airgun/aircompressor, a boom truck, and 3 highly motivated individuals can get done in such a short time. They started at 8 am, after a light breakfast of doughnuts, bagels, coffee, and juice, took a lunch break around noonish for soup, venison steak sandwiches, chips and brownies, and were finished by around 3 pm. What a relief that the weather held out, and we will be snug as a bug in a rug this winter (although I was a little worried when Saturday am, all of a sudden we had a light shower of mini hail!)

Sunday Bob had to "qualify" for work, which means he had to go to the range to prove he can actually aim and shoot the gun he carries daily for work. After church the rest of us found our way to Elmira to celebrate Adrianna's (my adopted sister) 2 yr old birthday. Since my mom and dad don't celebrate Halloween at all, they decided to use Adrianna's b-day as a dress up day for the kids so the house was full of firefighters, brides, cowboys, and animals. We all had a good time there. The evening was much more difficult for Samuel and I, because he got sick with a fever, and a terrible stomachache because he couldn't go potty. I was up with him all night, him crying in pain. I finally broke down and slept in his room and held him while he restlessly stirred and continued waking up crying. When he got up Monday am he still had a lowgrade temp, but his stomach was feeling better. I had planned on taking him to the Dr. but when he stopped crying in pain, and started smiling again, I decided I'd keep an eye on him instead, and take him to a walk-in if it got worse.

Monday- Halloween. We don't go trick or treating because of multiple reasons. I don't really like the meaning behind Halloween- the evoking of the spirit world. I don't like the punk kids that go around begging for candy, not even dressed up, OR dressed up in disgusting costumes and if they don't get what they want, smash your pumpkins or toilet paper your house (we had 5 of our 7 pumpkins smashed this yr) I also don't like the greediness that comes out on this day, wanting more and more candy /not being satisfied, and in this day and age you can't be too safe with the candy thing. There are some strange people out there that get their kicks from hurting children in the form of putting things in the treats they hand out for Halloween.
We instead(meaning my family and my sister's family), let the kids dress up in costume, and do something extra special that day besides making sure our house is stocked up with candy. One yr we went bowling, one yr we took the kids to the Discovery Center, this year we went to Iron Kettle Pumpkin Farm to take Halloween photos, and then went back to my sister's house where we gobbled up pizza, chips, and soda, watched a movie and ate toffee popcorn and oreos (nothing better than a movie and junkfood fest!) The kids were sort of done being "dressed up" since we went to a dress up bash last week, they dressed up for the b-day party, and then dressed up again last night. We had a great time though, and the best part was that dad showed up to hang with us at Rebecca's house (we didn't think he would make it because he was working later) So, as you can see, my blog is very full of photos. Samantha was a pretty cowgirl ( boy did she remind me of a mini-version of me during my line dancing days!) Wayne was a cowboy from his hat (he wore a moustache for some of the time, but didn't wear it for the pics) to his long western outback coat. Samuel was a little skunk. I did dress him as a cowboy for Adriannas party but I wanted him to be a cute little animal because soon enough he will be bigger, and not want to be any cute little animal for Halloween! He is our little stinker so the costume fit him well. Last, but not least, our niece and cousin Corynn was a little lion. She couldn't have had a better costume with her light blond hair and dark brown eyes! Enjoy the reading and photos!


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Abigail said...

Thanks so much for sharing these photos, Elizabeth. It sounds (and looks) like you all had a blast!

And one last hurrah for hard workers who put roofs on so quickly!

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

I love posting photos- I'm so glad Bob helped me set up the digital camera. I'm inept at keeping in touch via phone and mail, so this is perfect for me to keep everyone updated, since I can do it in the wee hours of the morning, when everyone is asleep but me!
Double Hurrah for the Hard Workers- we could have never gotten our roof done so efficiently and affordably otherwise!


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