Rain, Rain, Go Away!
We have had rain and clouds off and on all week long here. I hope that the sun comes back soon because my morale right now is starting to wear down because of the dreariness of the days. I was supposed to go visit my sister this weekend, but unfortunately a school trip to HersheyPark for Samantha is on Saturday so we'll be postponing our trip. I could go without Samantha and Bob, but I really was hoping for us all to go together as a complete family. Samantha is very excited about going to Hersheypark- it will be a blast for her, it is just my own selfishness coming through. Another thing that is somewhat difficult for me, is that Samantha hasn't been trying hard at school as of late, and so I don't want to take away this extra-special school function, but I don't really feel she deserves it right now either. Such is the life of a pre-teen; I'm sure I did similar stuff to my parents, and I know Bob wasn't the model student during his pre-teen or teen years, but it doesn't make it any easier. I guess that is where God's forgiveness comes into play. God gives us so much that we don't deserve, and yet we still sin against Him. He forgives us and is patient with us even when we stumble. I guess I need to remember that myself sometimes and treat her with Love and Patience while she is going through this time in her life, all the while not accepting the sin, but trying to help her overcome her obstacles instead of being on her back about it. I have a lot of learning to do as a parent of an older child!
On an up-note, I had an interview with a mother last night who needs childcare for her 4 year old daughter. It went well, and I am hoping that it will work out. I've had interviews before where I thought it would work out and it didn't, so I'll just be waiting by the phone for true confirmation of a start date, and praying that God has provided another child for me to care for!
My motorcycle (Bob's old one which I am trying to learn on) is finally fixed, so hopefully we can go pick it up tonight. I haven't been able to practice on it at all because the alternator rotor went out on it. We were able to order a used but good part, and it was installed already for us by this nice little used motorcycle salvageand repair place in Waverly. I'm hoping now that it is back on the road I can get the swing of driving a motorcycle.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for listening to my mundane rambling! :)
I'll be praying for you and Samantha...I certainly don't know what it's like to have a child of my own that age, but I definitely remember the struggles my parents went through when my littlest sister was around that age (and I know I wasn't a piece of cake to raise either ;), so I'm sure it must be tough. It must be exciting to have a potential new daycare child. Four years old is a fun age. :)
Don't tell me it's raining in NY, I'm looking forward to a gloriuos summer, away from wet and cold England!
At the moment Marianne can be a bit against the grain. It's hard when patience is not one of your virtues, as in my case. But we can always pray, and be sure that our heavenly Father will give us all we need to cope with the situation He puts us in.
All the best Elizabeth, and we hope to meet again this summer!
I can totally relate to what you're saying about learning to parent older children. As a mother of eight children, I totally thought I had parenting down until my kids started reaching the pre-teen and teenage years...now I just rely on God's grace to get me through the challenges as they come. I like your perspective of being patient and forgiving while at the same time not accepting the sin.
God bless!
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