Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Hey Mama, Whaz Up! :) Posted by Picasa


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

He is getting to be quite photogenic...looks like he knows what to do when Mama has the camera. Maybe because of all the practice you give him? hehehe I was the same way. Funny how pictures are so important to us-where did we get it from?!?

At 3:30 AM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

He is very photogenic, However, he has found that he has a will, so before, I could sit him down, and he would just sit and smile. Now, sometimes he wants to play, so he will keep wiggling towards me * which as you know makes for a fuzzy photo, especially with a digital camera.
As for the importance of photos- maybe we became photo crazy because of the "lack thereof" at home. I had far more than you, I know, but visible memories have always been important to me, even when I had a cheezeball camera when I was Samantha's age. I'm glad we both relish photos :) That way we will always have each other's doubles, hehehe!


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