Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Positiveness in the Midst of Adversity

We've been talking about Job during our dinner bible reading time. When you listen and contemplate all the things Job had to endure, it's difficult to understand how he could continue praising God. Then we got to talking about another example of God asking one of His own to do the ultimate thing- Abraham sacrificing his son after waiting for God to give Isaac to him for SO MANY YEARS! In my opinion, this is sort of the same thing. Abraham could have refused, or grumbled about it, yet instead, Both Abraham and Job 1. recognized God's omnipotence 2. had faith that God would care for their need 3. trusted God for the outcome, and 4. never "cursed" God for His decisions.

So, why is it so hard for us today to be like Job and Abraham? Are we so weak in our faith that we stumble over the tiniest pebble? Or is it because we have faith of a mustard seed (tiny yet there), but the society we live in makes us weaker and instead of building us up; tears us down?

I know when Grace died, a part of me died inside. I was not strong, I was so weak. I never cursed God, but I definately questioned him.

It's so hard to understand the reasoning behind why terrible things happen, I guess we shouldn't even try to "understand" I guess to be faithful servant we need to be steadfast, hold our faith firm, and never let it waver , and trust our Heavenly Father for the outcome (but it is easier said than done!) I also think that is why God wants us to be a part of a church and have Godly friends. I think that when the going gets tough, our Godly friends and family can help support us, and pitch in to hold us up when we feel weak. The world just wants to tear us and our beliefs to shreds, but God's people are strong when they stick together!


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