Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Little Excitements..

Well, we picked up our stove on Saturday. We took the back seat out of our van ( we have a Pontiac Montana, and it is the nicest van- the seats just "pop" right out and you can any or all of them out depending on how much space you need! The only thing better would be the stow and go seats) It isn't new, but it is in much better condition than our other stove. Bob promised he would put it in the house next weekend, which gives me time to scrub it down before it comes into the house! I also got my doll-kit this weekend. It is a vinyl doll with nothing but the eyes and body parts. I have to paint it, add all details, give it hair, and fill the body/ put it together. I wanted to make a doll that looked liked Samuel when he was first born. I originally thought about getting an apple valley doll kit, where you pick the color eyes, hair, skin, features and they put it together for you, but I decided to try my hand at doing it all myself. I am sort of excited about it. I hope I can do well, and when I am done, I will put one of Samuel's preemie outfits on it- The doll even has gray eyes like Samuel!
Speaking of first borns- I got to see Michelle from church and her newborn this week which was very nice, and a different friend Leah (and her hubby) announced that they are having a new baby (which is a real blessing for them!) Congratulations Leah and Scott!
Rebecca's baby shower is this Saturday. I hope I can get everything done- actually, there is no hopes about it..I must get everything done by Saturday. I am going over to the church on Friday night to get the majority of the decorating done, that way I am not "spazzing out" on Saturday trying to rush around and get stuff done! I am very excited and I hope Rebecca has a shower to remember (in a good way!)
This week I am definately starting to get my tax receipts in order so we can get our taxes done. We could really use a little extra money as I'm sure most people could! Hopefully we'll get a good refund back!
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Abigail said...

I just played catch-up on your blog. Sounds like things have been as busy as usual! Glad to hear of the new-to-you stove (Freecycle rocks).

I'd never heard of mamking a newborn doll before. As always, we your readers demand pictures of the results!

Have fun preparing for the shower, and remember to enjoy it once it comes! I'm sure your hard work will result in a beautiful day.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Abigail said...

Please omit the m. I don't know anyone named Mam King, but I give him my politest regards as I ask you to replace his name with "making."

At 4:15 AM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

Oh Abbie,
How have I missed you! My blog has been so quiet, I've had no one posting comments in such a LOOONNGG time! I actually have been asking Leah regularly if baby berry had made an appearance, but she said not as of yet. How are you feeling anyhow?? I am looking forward to hearing and seeing pictures when you new little one decides to make an appearance into our world!
I am so grateful for free things. First our coffee table and end tables, then our stove- we are blessed and these are definately examples of God's provision!
The doll is a first for me. Since I am a doll collector, making dolls has always been an interest of mine but I've never taken the plunge until now. The next one I would like to try my hand at is a porcelain one, but I guess I'd better see how this one turns out first. I promise photos, before, during and finished product :)

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Carmichael Family said...

The doll kit sounds like such a fun idea for remembering how your little one looked when first born. And who better to design it than you, who knows exactly how he looked as a newborn. :) I hope your shower prep goes well. Baby showers are so much fun!

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

I hope the doll turns out well. I'm a little nervous about starting it, but after the baby shower excitement, and the tax receipts are calculated, I will be able to sit down, and take my time, and hopefully do a good job :)


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