Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Much Ado about Nothing..

Nothing truly noteworthy happened this weekend. We did have unexpected company on Saturday though. Some friends of ours popped in with their one month old daughter Amelia. Their son (who is a friend of Wayne's) was visiting his dad, which was just as well since Wayne was grounded to his room. Amelia was a total surprise- they didn't think they were able to have children (Lucas, Melissa's son was also a surprise 10 years ago!) She is a pretty strawberry blond baby. We had a nice visit, but I felt terrible because my sister came to scrapbook with me, and since they showed up I felt inclined to visit with my "guests" so she scrapbooked alone in my dining room, with an occasional interjection to the conversation. I felt so bad, but I felt caught between a rock and a hard place- good thing she is my sister and is so forgiving!!! She didn't make me feel bad about it, I did that all on my own.
One very nice thing that happened on Friday evening was I got an early Valentine's Day gift, and I'm sorry gift all wrapped up in one. Bob and I had a pretty difficult week, and after it was better, he decided to give me my gift early- I've never gotten an "I'm sorry" gift before, it was kind of nice (although don't worry Bob- I won't expect it again!) He got me a beautiful garnet ring set in white gold and surrounded by diamonds. It was the first time I had picked something out and he got it for me- usually when he get's me jewelry he picks it out himself (which he does a great job of, btw) It is quite beautiful- I love it!!! (it is a lot bigger than what I am used to though, so I have to get used to it's "showiness" It was definately a surprise and a wonderful one at that!!! Bob isn't the kind of person to shower me with little sentiments, but when he gets me a gift, he goes "full-bore"
I am getting a "new" stove next weekend and I am very excited. I belong to a group called FreeCycle (which some of you out there are familiar with) I actually am getting it through Freecycle. It is 10 years old, and the lady said it is in good working condition, she just got a new one for her newly renovated kitchen. I hope it truly is in good condition. Our stove is an old girl who has done her job time and time again, but she is physically falling apart! The knobs have come off of her, and it is her time to retire. I feel bad retiring her, she's been such a good stove for me, but it IS her time.
Well, I've been called twice by my husband to get off the computer so I'd best get off before he gets annoyed (he's almost already there!) Have a good day!


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Abigail said...

Ah, the ring sounds lovely! I'll have to admire it in person sometime.

At 4:23 AM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

I tried taking a photo, but my digital camera isn't so advanced that I can do good close ups like that. I guess I will just have to show it off in person! :)


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