Full of Grace-n-blessings Fivefold

Doing my Best to Remember all the Blessings in my Life on a Daily Basis.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Santa, Shopping, and Snowmen...

I suppose I should try writing something controversial in order for people to post, since, with the exception of Leah, and no one has done so lately. So, my question is what is everyone's take on "Santa"? I always enjoyed believing in Santa growing up, and I don't believe this affected my Christianity as a child, or as an adult. There is something magical about him, and tiptoeing downstairs in the wee hours to see what this fellow left for me, because he saw enough good in me to leave me a gift. I tend to have a very vivid imagination, so I also believed in Fairies, Unicorns, Animals talking amongst one another, etc...(I'm sure you are all thinking "Now I know what is wrong with her!" :) I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Samantha and Wayne made their first snowman of the season. They put it right up against our porch with the hopes that people of the neighborhood won't destroy him. I hope people will be nicer and allow their snowman to stay up for a while. (Every year they make snowmen and every year someone knocks them down, or takes the head off and smashes it)

I finished up most all of my shopping with the exception of a few small things, now it is time to start on the wrapping of presents, and baking. On Saturday we are having a Christmas Program at church (I sort of took the reigns on it this year because no one wanted to do it) It isn't going to be big, or extravagent, just some Carolling, snacking, and a few people putting together their talents for a small program. I hope it will go well! We don't have the opportunity to meet outside of church for fellowship very often, I think it will be nice.

Samantha has her Christmas concert on Thursday evening. We always enjoy going to it, it will be extra-special though because it will be the first concert in the brand new auditorium in her brand new school. So, the end of my week shall be busy, but fun! If I can just get through the beginning of this week I'll be all set (Samuel hasn't been sleeping so well due to a sinus infection, and teething)


At 6:31 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Well, since we grew up the same way-I believe the same as you. I like the magic of Santa Claus too. I read Corynn stories about Santa Claus-The Night Before Christmas, The Polar Express, Rudolph, etc. When I see a 'Santa' at the mall, I say, "Look! There's Santa!" Actually, she usually spots him first!
We don't do a bunch of presents 'from Santa'. Who ever gets her the present, should get a thank-you for it...so we always say WHO the gift is from. "Santa" fills the stocking and that is about it. It is all about fun, expectations, and magic. Magic is something that exists, in my mind, in the hearts and mind of everyone who is willing to embrace it. Magic doesn't have to be bad-it can be in the scene of white snow falling around a group of trees. It is magical. And there is nothing wrong with feeling awe over the magical scenes that take place.
Many people do have a problem with Santa-and these are some of the reasons I have heard.
1)You are LYING to them...
I think, if people read stories about fairies and elves to their children-or if they let them watch cartoons or TV shows with talking animals-they are in essence, doing what they claim to NOT do with Santa. IT is kind of two sided, then. If they consider telling their kids about Santa Claus is lying to them, then they should also consider not reading stories to them about mythical things or happening-because 'lying' is still taking place.
2)The focus is not on Christ.
I don't believe it is an either/or situation. I don't thwart Corynn's thinking of Santa Claus-but I do TEACH her about Christ, the REASON for Christmas, and why it is so important. I set up a nativity in our living room-and if you point to Mary holding the babe and ask her who that is she will say "Baby Jesus". Then you ask...when was Baby JEsus Born? her reply will be "On Christmas Day!" And who, you ask, is Baby Jesus? "Our Saviour!" she exclaims. (BTW-Christ wasn't even BORN on December 25th...so teaching them that is 'lying' too!) Christmas IS way too commercialized...Christ is often taken out of the picture and Santa is built up to the focus. But just because the WORLD is twisting this holiday, does not mean we should set aside our family traditions. Our focus shouldn't be on Santa as Christians. Does that mean we disregard him all together? Santa comes the 24th. Christ is proclaimed the entire season! So you see-I don't think it must be one or the other. There must be priorities. There must be a balance. And proper balance and priorities come only with wisdom.

When Corynn is old enough to question the truth in Santa Claus, I will not thwart her revelation. I will speak truthfully. But I will also ask her to respect her siblings enough to let them enjoy the magic that comes with believing in Santa. And I ask the same of people who don't agree with teaching their children about Santa. Out of respect for others, it is not kind to purposely talk about the 'myth' of Santa Claus in front of the children who do believe. Do not speak of it at all. Just as those who encourage the magic of Santa should not push "Santa" on those who disagree. Let it go. Let families celebrate and enjoy their own traditions. And don't put the responsibilities of dashing all hopes and dreams of a Santa, in your own lap. It really isn't any of your concern what other families do....just as it is none of my concern. Let's focus on our families and our traditions. And let's glory in the real reason of the season, instead of fighting over the mythical character of one night.

You asked for my opinion-and you got it!

(PS. What time is Samantha's concert? I would like to go...)

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I want to post my opinion after Rebecca's comment. ;)

I must admit to not agreeing with you on the "innocence" of Santa.

I do believe that letting your children believe that Santa is real is lying to them. I don't understand why we say it's alright for us to lie to them but tell them that it is wrong to lie. I think there is a huge difference between letting your children believe in Santa and letting them read stories about fairies, talking animals, etc. When it comes to the latter, my children will be told that what they are reading/watching are just made up stories. I won't be telling them that fairies and talking animals are real. Just as I won't be telling them that Santa is real.

I've come to a point as an almost 30 year old lady that I'm not even sure celebrating Christmas is needful. As Rebecca said, Christ was not born on December 25th. And why is the fascination with His birth alone? It wasn't His birth that was so needful as His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. (I know His birth was necessary, too.) I want to be celebrating WHY He came and WHAT He accomplished on the cross all year long!

I agree Rebecca that those who don't agree with your position should not be trying to tell your children that there really isn't a Santa. But I have a real problem, and I think it's more prevalent, with people constantly asking my sons, "What did you ask Santa for this year?" I could go on and on with such questions but I won't.

The most interesting thing of all is that our denomination does not even "condone" the celebration of Christmas! So why are so many of it's members, at least in our church, so gung-ho about celebrating all these holidays?

Anyway, those are my current thoughts on the topic.

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

Some activity, hooray :)
Rebecca, you and I were cut from the same cloth, so I share many of your observations about the Celebration of Christ's birth/Santa.
I don't recall (and maybe I am wrong) ever asking "Is Santa Real, Are Fairies Real, Are Unicorns Real, Is Magic Real?" until I was older maybe. I always just believed that they were. And, since I was brief about my original thought since my debate was with Santa not Jesus, let me express the fact that Jesus's birth was celebrated first and foremost in my family growing up. In fact, my mother made Christmas Eve the day we opened gifts together so that our main focus was Christ's birth on Christmas Day (Yes, Santa did come in the morning still, but the time spent dwelling on "him" was brief)
I do understand your points Leah, about lying to our children, and that we need to celebrate the fact that Jesus was born, lived and died for the forgiveness of our sins all year around (which, I know our family does, and I believe many families in our church do, although I cannot speak for anyone but myself) I believe that our praying and reading the bible together, and trying to raise our children up in a godly way is support of that. I Hate the fact that Santa is the main theme of Christmas these days, but I also so very much enjoyed Santa being a small part of our celebration growing up and even today (my husband fills up my stocking, and I his)
No one told me point blank that Santa/Fairies were real (which would be lying) but no one extinguished my imagination either. My feeling is if never allowing the freedom of imagination, then children shouldn't have imaginary play, imaginary friends, even play with dolls, because they are pretending that the dolls/ stuffed animals are real which they aren't. I know the reality of Santa, Fairies, Unicorns, and Talking Animals, but I also enjoy my imagination so much, that I still, at 30 "believe" in them. Maybe this is silly, but it is me :)
As for the denomination not condoning the celebration of Christmas, I don't believe that there is anything that says we shouldn't celebrate Christmas either (does that make sense?) Once again, I cannot speak for others, but we read about Christ's birth, and try to focus on celebrating Him first and foremost. I do have to admit, I love decorating, Christmas lights, baking, but I love celebrating the birth of our saviour more, hence the Christmas program at church :) I spoke with Mrs. Fawthrop and Matt Zaccardo, and they had planned to nix the program this year due to busy schedules, but I "took the ball" because I felt it was important for us to celebrate Christ's birth together as a congregation, as well as separately as families.

Everyone has their own way of celebrating Christmas, and after this blog, everyone will still have their own way. I am not saying my way is everyone's way by any means, I just wanted to express my belief and I was just curious what the beliefs of others were when it comes to Santa. Thank you so much for all of your imput Rebecca and Leah! :)

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me tell you if i hear that fat man in my yard this year it is all over. i got 12 ga. with his name on it . and those rain deer i don't know if i have enough room in my freezer for all of them . bring on the fat man that only works one day for the whole year while the rest of us hard working men that bring home a pay check ( 50+ hours a week ) and he get all of the credit for the gifts that i bought working my butt off . I DON'T THINK SO . AND YES IT IS LYING TO THE KIDS . don't we teach our kids not to lie.?????? we need to make our kids a little hader nose in life ..... make them realize that you get nothing in life for free . teach them to work hard for what they want in life . no free rides .

At 3:48 AM, Blogger Full of Grace said...

This post is for Anonymous, since I know who you are...
I know for a fact that You are the one who started the "Santa" belief with the children before anyone else (me) came into the picture. I agree that it is wrong to lie to the children and that they should know that there are no free rides in life/ they have to work hard for what they get. And, I also want them to Appreciate You and the fact that You work long hours to put a roof over their head, food on the table, clothes on their back, and gifts for them on holidays! You are a hard worker and wonderful provider and they need to know it; I know I appreciate you and all you do for our family!
I didn't know that your ideas had changed about certain things, otherwise we could have worked together to change things for our family. I had no idea that you didn't believe in having Santa come and fill stockings for the kids anymore, since we've been doing it since we were married.
*unless this is all for joking and debate only*
One thing I am going to say though is that in order for the kids to understand that they won't receive a free ride in life, and that they need to work hard to get what they want in life they shouldn't receive everything that they ask for, for Christmas and birthdays so that they can work for what they want, and Earn priviledges in order to Earn some of the things that they want. I think this will make them appreciate certain things more. I figured, you gave your opinion, so I am going to feel free to give mine :)
Thanks for posting a message on my blog- you haven't done it in such a long time, it was nice to see something from you on here, Anonymous! Feel free to do it again sometime :)

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Abigail said...

Hope Samuel's feeling better, for his sake and yours!

Santa...ah, Santa.
Jolly man? Red suit? Big belly?
Yeah, I've heard of him.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Abigail said...


I just don't have time right now to write about him because I hear a wee little girl stirring. I bet she's about to greet me with nap-blurred eyes!


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